MAY 6, 2024




If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know I’m a hopeless “gearhead” car nut. I was born that way. It’s genetic, my father was, both of my sisters, and my younger brother all loved automobiles. After all of these years of labor, I don’t have lot of money piled up in bank account. Spent most of it on cars, and just wasted the rest.

All of that said, I keep up with the automobile scene pretty closely. What I see in recent years is the price of cars is getting completely out of hand. A lot of things are contributing to that, but what I see as the main factor, is car manufacturers are trying to make cars do everything, including your housework. I’m serious, today’s cars have tons of features that are not even needed to get you from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’. In the end it makes the cars less reliable and way more expensive.

They gave me a new Chrysler car to use while my Suburban was in the shop. That was the most obnoxious car have ever driven. It had an irritating touch screen in the middle of the dash to turn on the HVAC system, set the temperature and so on. I hated it. I had to pull over and stop to use it. My Suburban is 17 years old and it’s bad enough with all of the stupid little buttons. None of this stuff is tactile, it takes your attention away from driving when looking at the digital displays. How about a three-position switch, low, medium and high, with a sliding lever to set the temp. You don’t need to know the precise temperature, adjust it to your comfort. That’s what you’re doing anyway, and you can do it without taking your eyes off the road.

The Chrysler had a ten speed automatic transmission. The damned thing never stopped changing gears. It was totally irritating. My Suburban has a three speed automatic with overdrive and a big 5.3 liter V8. It has enough power, that it doesn’t need to constantly search of gears, besides it’s busy searching for gas stations. But trust me, there are more important things in life than miles per gallon.

This one really gets me wound up. Why the hell do I need a screen the size of my computer monitor in the middle of the dash showing me fourteen different views of protestors beating my car with baseball bats, when it really needs machine guns. I’m serious, why do you need to watch yourself driving as if you and your car are having an “out of body” experience unless you’re driving while in a strait jacket.

RAIN SENSING WIPERS? Have you ever been in doubt when to turn on your wipers? Another expensive little feature that is totally unnecessary that will break just after the warranty expires and will cost just under a thousand dollars to restore it. That’s why RAIN-X is really good to carry in your trunk. Maybe they add this feature to keep you from crashing while you’re trying to find your wiper app on the touch screen.

SELF DRIVING MODE: If you’re too damn lazy to drive your own car, take public transportation and save someone’s life because your too stupid to be driving anyway.

AUTOMATIC PARKING FEATURE: If you such a lame ass driver that you can’t park your own car, UBER might be your best bet. Besides it will save the rest of us the pain of returning to a damaged car.

LANE DEPARTURE WARNING DEVICES: This feature became necessary when the installed the big ass touch screen on the dash, because you’re all over the road while your trying to find the app to turn on the wipers or adjust the air temp. Most people that are of average intelligence and not drunk don’t really need this. It could be useful for drivers in self-driving mode while trying to have sex with their cousin and live streaming it on FANS ONLY.

The point I am trying to make is that car makers in their efforts to attract more customers are loading their cars with unnecessary garbage features that fail after few years and cost an arm and a leg to repair. I quit buying Ford trucks because the electronic features are prone to failure more than the other trucks I bought in the past. My Suburban is 17 years old and all of the electronic displays still work fine. All of these added features drive up the initial cost, and ownership maintenance. Another problem is that if you are looking for a less expensive car, your choices are some piece of crap econobox that is equivalent to driving a cardboard box on wheels. Why can’t you buy a mid size car with basic features that doesn’t break the bank? They used to make them. I had a 2004 Buick Century sedan with basic features, got fantastic gas mileage, comfortable, reliable, and we drove it for years with very minor repairs.

When you buy a car that you have to finance for 8 years so you can afford the payments, you will likely never own that car. You will likely trade it before it’s paid off and go into debt for another eight years. Your life will be divided into car payment segments. I got into that revolving car payment lifestyle years ago so I could be seen in the latest model, with the most features, and fanciest colors. Then I figured it out that I was being played for sucker. Now we drive nice older cars, that look stylish, and don’t have eight-year contracts. It pisses me off I didn’t figure that out sooner, I could have owned more motorcycles.

Stay safe and free my friends. God bless you and your families.




MAY 2, 2024



You have probably noticed that my articles have been rather sporadic lately. I suppose you could say that I am suffering from a mild form of PTSD, after Joe Biden was elected and proceeded to destroy my country. Well, maybe it’s a little more than a mild form of PTSD. I’m pretty much genuinely pissed 24-7-365. Him and his band of commies are well on their way to the absolute destruction of this once great nation. You will never convince me otherwise, that Barrack Hussien Obama isn’t playing a major role in this as well. Joe Biden is living in La La Land, oblivious to reality. Don’t kid yourselves, all of this calamity is not just happening by chance, this is being orchestrated. I’m going to let Victor Davis Hanson put it in perspective.

I am acutely aware of everything Victor says in this video, I have been saying this in my blogs for years now. It’s depressing as hell knowing a group of knights on white stallions is not going to ride in and save us. The Republicans were our last hope, and they have completely morphed into something unrecognizable. The Republicans are great talkers but are in reality what the Chinese call “paper tigers”. They are mostly useless.

So, I keep scanning the news, looking for a glimmer of hope, looking for some kind of sign things are starting to change, and all I see is more lawlessness, despair, government lies and propaganda. They are spending the USA into oblivion. They are destroying our beautiful cities one by one and allowing China to buy up our farmlands. They are allowing non-citizens to pull down the American flag and put a foreign flag in its place, and there is no one there willing to step in and stop it. If you dare attempt to defend your homeland when your own government won’t, they will prosecute you and put you in prison and throw away the key.

So, I’m afraid that when people finally realize that their own government will not follow its own laws, the American people will turn largely lawless. Why wouldn’t they? Either the law applies to all, or it applies to none. We are headed down a very dangerous path.

I will be back soon, in the meantime, stay safe, and stay vigilant for your freedom. God Bless you all. We are headed for some rough times I’m afraid.



APRIL 10, 2024



A few months ago, I wrote an article about an old orange cat that has been around my neighborhood for several years. He didn’t have an apparent home. He was a rough looking old guy, that carried scars of past cat fights, his ears were bent and ragged, and had that look that said “don’t even think about coming near me”. The “compulsory” neighborhood ” cat lady” lives a few doors south of my house left her garage door up just enough for him to squeeze under it and provided a little bed and food for him. He was happy to grab a nap and a snack but wanted no part of being friends. Everyone respected his space and didn’t interfere with his hanging out. Well, the “cat lady” told me a few days ago that she found him passed away in her garage. She bagged up his body and she thought, now what am I going to do with it? She thought about it for awhile and said I can’t just drop him in the trash can, his life has been pretty crappy, so she took his remains to the vet and had him cremated and gave him a final resting place in her yard. So, amid all of the craziness in the world, there are still good people out there that have heart and compassion, for all creatures and people.


On its face, the idea of throwing the gates open and letting the world walk into our country unmitigated is insanity at the highest level. There are literally hundreds of reasons why this is a really bad idea. I’m going to touch on just few that seem really important to me. It would be impossible to list them all in one article.


As long as I can remember, the United States has been very focused on health and disease control. If any type of infectious disease started spreading, the wheels went into motion immediately to get it under control. Quarantines were common in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. It wasn’t uncommon for a household to be under quarantine until the occupants were no longer considered to be carriers. This was especially true for tuberculosis which is highly contagious and dangerous. I was a pre-teen during the polio outbreak in the fifties, it was really scary. Some of my friends ended up badly crippled.

I believe the forties and fifties were the beginning of the quest by medical science to develop vaccines to protect people from these dreaded diseases. They successfully eradicated many childhood diseases that had previously taken the lives of thousands of children. Polio was stopped in its tracks by Jonas Salk. What a relief that was when kids could live their lives without fear of being crippled or spending their lives in iron lungs. Measles left a lot of kids with damaged hearts.

The unmitigated flow of immigrants from third world nations is about to undo a lot of the hard work medical science has done for the population of this country. Leprosy has re-emerged in some of the southern states. Although leprosy is curable by modern medicine, it can still have a devastating effect it not diagnosed and treated quickly. Tuberculosis is being re-introduced by illegal migrants, and unfortunately, it seems to be resistant to nearly all existing drugs. It is called XDR-TB. People with HIV are especially vulnerable. The new treatment has shown success, but with a host of side effects, and will take six months of therapy. If the therapy is not followed through to the end, it will recur.


This is proving to be true almost every day in the large metropolitan areas where thousands of illegal migrants now find themselves situated. There are probably a half a dozen new stories every day ranging from rape to murder to burglary and everything in between. What make it worse is that a lot of these people were not identified when they crossed the border and have no record whatsoever. Nobody even knows they are here. They can commit crimes with no way to track them. No DNA, no fingerprint data, no history of any kind. Even worse, quite a large percentage are members of organized gangs from South America and have a well-organized communication system in place. They move freely from state to state and city to city, undetected.

The current legal system, which is extremely soft on crime, and double soft on minorities is giving these criminals free reign to wreak havoc on American citizens. Because of the insane idea to defund the police in some cities, the police can’t possibly make a dent in this new crime wave.


There will always be the “less fortunate” among us that need our help. It has been that way from the beginning of time. It’s simply a fact of life. Before any of this nonsense began, government agencies were struggling to provide benefits for the needy, which included mentally challenged people, physically handicapped, injured veterans, and displaced people, both adults and children. It’s a huge task to manage these struggling individuals. The last thing we needed was to have millions more requiring living assistance. The new wave of welfare recipients are quite different, they are much younger and able bodied. They don’t happen to be American born, and speak foreign dialects. They are also poorly educated with no job skills other than physical laborers. When these people find it impossible to provide for themselves, they will resort to crime. It’s simply a matter of self preservation.

Stories are emerging that the local government agencies are moving American citizens out of government provided shelters and housing illegal immigrants in their place. I recently heard a story that illegal immigrants were being housed in facilities designated for veterans. Why is the left displacing Americans in favor of non Americans? Whose bright idea was this? Fortunately, people are fighting back against this craziness.

I have listed obvious things we can all see happening. There are thousand of little things that we don’t notice. One of the larger effects is how they are stealing our votes. Not by voting, but by demographics. When these people are counted on the census, it will affect the congressional districts, and ultimately result in a stronger Democrat presence in Congress.

You don’t have to have a degree in economics to understand the monetary drain on our economy from illegal immigration. It is a proven fact that illegals will be a burden for a decade or more before they start putting more money into the economy than they are taking out. Our Medicare and Medicaid systems were already taking huge hits before the surge of illegals. Where do you think these folks are going to get medical care? They can’t even feed and house themselves. The government is creating a brand new under class while killing the middle class.

Think about this for a minute. Corporations in America are becoming richer and more powerful every day and play an ever-increasing role in the shaping government policies. Corporations are becoming more and more involved in our every day lives through the way we communicate, what we eat, what we drive, and what kind of home we live in. Corporations now own and operate a huge swath of agricultural land, and food production. Medical corporations had a huge influence on how we dealt with Covid. They are playing a huge role in the transgender issue by promoting gender care.

Are we witnessing a corporate take over of our government? Are the corporations pushing for unbridled immigration to create a giant labor pool of uneducated, obedient workers? The middle class would be a hinderance for corporate control. The corporations would love to have a one-party government that they could easily control. We are very close to that right now, and you can see the devastating effects from it.

I apologize for the for leading you down a somewhat crooked path tonight, but there are so many things that seem to be intertwined, it’s hard to not see the connections in all of the things currently happening. There seems to be some sort of master plan in play, but it’s still hidden from sight for the time being. But one thing is abundantly clear, there are powerful forces that are trying to dismantle our Republic.

I listen to music, many types of music to take my mind off of the nonsense going on in the world. One of my favorite sources is YouTube, where you can find some incredible artists that make you drift away to another world. I’m going to provide a link to a guitarist that I think is phenomenal. His name is Justin Johnson.

Hope you enjoyed listening to Justin and his band as much as I do. Have a super week, stay vigilant, stay free. OJ left the building today, the world is a better place by a little bit.



MARCH 30, 2024



The link below is to an article that explains in infinite detail what I was trying to convey in my last blog. I would never be able to create an article such as this one, I simply don’t have the educational tools. I know its happening, I feel it, I see it, but can’t tell you how we got here. This article will fill in the blanks.

It is a long read, but well worth your time to understand what has happened to our beautiful Republic, and why its unlikely that we ever recover it.



MARCH 26, 2024



The song ‘Hotel California” written by the Eagles had a line in it that said “we are all prisoners of our own device”. As far as the law is concerned, I will modify that phrase slightly and say we are victims of our own device. Device being the law, which is being used against us like a mace, pounding us into oblivion.

This is how it works; Using the same exact law, you apply it harshly on your opponent, and very sparingly on your cohorts. The best example I could ever hope to have, was how the rioters of 2020, which were allies of the Democrat party, received little or no punishment, in some cases such as Portland, Oregon were recently awarded damages for being roughed up by Police. In opposition to that, the January 6th rioters were less destructive by a huge margin, no fires were set, and no one was murdered in spite of what they claim, and yet many of them are still in prison and more are being tried and convicted four years later.

Donald Trump is being bludgeoned by laws that are being twisted and distorted by unscrupulous prosecutors and presided over by activist judges. The law being the law, you are trapped by it exactly like a spider traps its prey. Once the victim is in the web, and the more they try to free themselves, they run out of money, like the spider’s prey runs out of energy and falls prey to the predator. A court of law can be transformed into a virtual “meat grinder” and the defendant can lose his or her entire life’s work, home, savings, everything, and even if you somehow manage to crawl back and eventually win, you will never get your stuff back. It can be amazingly cruel.

Biden and his cronies have turned the law into a nuclear weapon to destroy anyone connected with MAGA or suspected of being connected with MAGA. Have you noticed they are very careful to not use the word Republicans? Republicans after all are a valid political party, and attempting to destroy the Republican party would be looked upon with great disdain. And, a lot of Republicans think like Democrats, but those MAGA folks are terrorists, see what they did on January 6th? Donald Trump and his whole organization are the leaders of the MAGA movement, they have to be destroyed no matter what. They are a dire threat to democracy. It has to be true, Joe Biden and MSM said so.

The list of Trump associates that have been destroyed by Bidens DOJ is long, and it just keeps growing. Mike Lindell and his company “My Pillow” has been the target of the left for supporting Donald Trump and has suffered greatly. Woke companies Walmart, Kohls, J.C.Penney, Wayfair, Bed Bath and Beyond, and others have refused to carry his products for purely political reasons. Dominion and Smartmatic voting systems are suing him for defamation which they will undoubtedly win, and My Pillow will probably go down in flames. Vigorously participating in politics today can be a dangerous undertaking. Side note, we have My Pillow pillows in our home and our RV and love them, best pillows we ever owned bar none.

Did you ever think in a million years that you would see the FBI coming down on parents protesting school board policies? A father is upset about his daughter being raped on school property, they tried to cover it up, and the father ends up being arrested for loudly complaining and accusing them of the cover up. How the hell did a school board get this much power over parents? By the way, the school boards are subjecting children to drag queens (AKA sexual perverts) and getting protection from the local police departments to keep parents from disrupting the shows. The law is turning our world upside down. The good guys are bad, the bad guys are good.

Roger Stone, Rudy Guliani, Mike Lindell, Steve Bannon, Allen Weisselberg, Peter Navarro, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Elliot Broidy, Carter Page, and more than 1,000 people in connection with January 6th have been prosecuted, or they are facing prosecution from Biden’s corrupt DOJ. Trump himself has been indicted at least four times. Does anyone with a sound mind actually think these charges were actually justified? Of course they weren’t. They are kangaroo court bullshit meant to intimidate and harass these individuals. But there is another motive, and that my friends, is to discourage others from working with Trump in the future. I don’t know the identities, but I have read that Trump has difficulty finding attorneys that will work for him, because of the intimidation factor. While attempting to paint Trump and his supporters as being corrupt, they themselves are being exposed as actually being the ones that are corrupt. It has been revealed that Fani Willis earns a base salary of about $110,000.00 per year as a D.A. She rakes in an additional 1.5 million from “various sources”. Willis’s wealth includes 5 million in real estate, including 300 acres in Utah, and four bedroom Villa in Georgia, property in Maui, and two properties in Houston, TX. Plus, she owns eight cars. On top of this, she claims she keeps about 10K in cash in her home. Her net worth is reported to be around 8M. Let that all sink in for a moment, and tell me that doesn’t warrant an investigation into this woman’s business affairs. My guess, is that she is very good at siphoning off money from government funding, that comes through her office. I don’t know that as a fact, but it is a very common practice among people in her position.

So, the DOJ and FBI can very rapidly bring charges against Trump and his supporters for stuff that mostly falls under the heading of misdemeanors, prosecute them, or attempt to prosecute them, and they can’t seem to bring themselves to charge Hunter Biden with anything, even as minor as being an unlicensed foreign agent? Joe Biden willfully took classified documents, stored them in unsecure locations, shared them with a ghost writer ( who claims he destroyed them) . Joe Biden wasn’t even allowed to have these in his possession as a senator, he essentially stole classified government documents. That is a felony all day long. The verdict from the DOJ Inspector General was that even though he was guilty of doing this, no jury would convict him, being an old man with a failing mind. This sounds a bit like the reasoning of Jim Comey regarding the Hillary Clinton email scandal. It’s the way things work, and not likely to change as long as you have a (D) behind your name. I literally laugh out loud when one of these sanctimonious assholes say; “no one is above the law”, when every single Democrat party politician is actually above the law. It is one of the biggest lies ever told, and is repeated over and over, and everyone knows it’s a lie.

But one of the things that irritates me most about these lying bastards, is they do it with a backdrop of American flags. They do this because they think it gives their lies validity. No, what it does is desecrate our glorious flag. These slimy dirtbags are not real Americans, the real Americans are the hardworking men and women that obey the law, work every day, make families, and make this nation function. Police officers, fire fighters, doctors, nurses, business owners, clergymen, and all of the other folks that make sure we have power, water, and essentials for life. And most of all, military personnel that stand ready to defend the nation and it’s people whenever, wherever needed.

Remember this, every single day; what you see the law doing to their political opponents can easily be done to you if you do something that opposes their agenda. I don’t know a single person personally who could financially withstand a legal assault like what they are doing to Trump and his supporters. The slimy dirtbags know this, they want to scare you into being quiet. They want to scare you into going along without a fight. Your government is the biggest bully you will ever face, bar none, and they will not be prosecuted if they kill you in the process. Ask Ashley Babbit’s family.



MARCH 19, 2024


Sorry I haven’t been posting recently, I am involved in a large project that is taking every hour of the day, and by night, I am not interested in spending any more time gazing at my computer and pounding on the keyboard. I am doing stair design on a multi building apartment complex, and it is draining my brain.

Now that I am done whining, I saw a video just minutes ago that encapsulates all of the problems we are facing today under the Biden administration, and I just had to share it with you. It is the Peter Navarro press conference he held before entering prison for his run-in with the Democrats.

In Biden’s world, this could be you or me, or a family member. Pay attention.




FEBRUARY 27, 2024


This evening, I had a little project I was working on at the kitchen table, and my wife was watching Sean Hannity. (I wouldn’t watch Sean if my life depended on it). This is how this whole thing got started. I listened to guest after guest, plus Sean Hannity talking about all of the latest events in the news describing them in detail. I thought I was going to lose my ever-loving mind. I told my wife all those meatheads do is talk, talk, talk, nobody ever does a damn thing. This entire country is going down in flames and everyone stands around talking about as if they are spectators, recording a disaster on their cell phones. I absolutely hate it. In that particular moment, I felt outraged by what these assholes have done to the United States of America, my home. The outrage didn’t go away. The more I thought about, the madder I got. I said to myself; self, you have to get this off your chest tonight. So here you go.

I was outraged that the dumbass Roosevelt, and the wacky Churchill and their lame ass cohorts made the genius decision to divide up Berlin at the end of WW2. Russia fought a long hard war against the Nazis but the US was the sledge hammer that dealt the final blow. We kicked the German’s asses in France, Italy, North Africa, and their home country, while kicking ass all over the Pacific. Another one of many stupid moves by politicians that sit back on their sorry asses while young, brave soldiers slog through mud and blood, and dead bodies to bring them their trophies. I hate politicians of all stripes, they are liars, cheats, and two faced mongrels.

I was outraged that our Supreme court felt is necessary to capitulate to the wacko woman responsible for banning prayers in public schools. Madalyn Murray O’Hare was a nut. She was an atheist and holocaust denier, and just unhappy about most everything. She became the most hated woman in America, not sure why the Supreme court didn’t also bear some weight of that hatred. They’ve been wrong a lot. In the end, mad woman Madalyn was murdered for her deeds, and her family was ripped apart. She tried to blame it on her son, her son said nonsense, it was all her doing. Everything she said was untrue. In the end she and her son, and granddaughter were murdered by their former American Atheist’s associates. So basically a blob of scum rose to the surface, and the over zealous idiotic judges were quick to give it validity.

I’m enraged that the money hungry neocons that feed at the trough of the military industrial complex keep starting wars which kill and maim our young men and women. I’m enraged when I see the Wounded Warrior and Tunnels to Towers commercials and see those beautiful young people that are missing limbs, and suffering from horrendous burns. I really hope the people responsible for these useless wars burn in hell and suffer massively for the massive suffering they have caused.

I’m enraged at what these demented scumbags are doing to our children. Forcing them to think about topics of sexuality long before they should. They are stealing their childhood and their innocence for no good reason other than some depraved reasons of their own. School administrators and teachers need to stick to giving our youngsters a basic education, so they can read and write, and be proficient in math, and leave the sex education to their parents. Kids will naturally find their own way in the world of sexual relations. The last thing we need is some so-called disinterested third party substituting ideology in place of real education.

I’m enraged at what society is doing to our young men. Nobody makes the point better than Jordan Peterson.

I’m enraged by how this “woke” society is actively trying to push the white majority into irrelevance. Everyone is playing along, the colleges and universities, the media, and the federal government acting as the main player. When was the last time you saw a commercial for a major corporation featuring white folk? They will try to convince you that the white population didn’t contribute one ounce of labor to the construction of this nation, that is was all done on the backs of the blacks, browns and yellows. That’s pure bullshit, I was there, I witnessed white men and women laboring in the fields, on construction sites, and doing all sorts of laborious tasks. White men and women working in the factories, and dying on the battlefields in far greater numbers than minorities. I’ve seen the white men emerge from the coal mines covered in coal dust, eventually dying from lung disease, working to keep this country moving. I’ve seen many road crews in the summer time working in the blistering heat of Oklahoma, the majority of them white men. White men erected the giant steel structures that define New York, Chicago and every other major metropolitan area. They built the massive hydroelectric dams all across this nation. So now that all of this has been created, by hard working white men and women, and everyone is enjoying the benefits of their initiative and ingenuity, they want us to all go away. Well, as far as I’m concerned, they can kiss my old white ass.

I’m enraged by the federal government weaponizing our court system and justice department to strip us of our Constitutional rights and silence us through censorship. It’s a known fact that the feds threatened the social media companies with huge fines if they didn’t silence conservative voices. It is vicarious censorship and a total disregard for the first amendment. By doing this across all normal media outlets, they were able to tilt the playing field to allow a incompetent candidate with serious mental decline to win an election he would have otherwise lost majorly. This is no longer a democracy, not even close.

I’m enraged the feds have elected to no longer enforce our borders and are allowing people from all over the world to simply walk in with no restrictions. My grandson’s wife is a Romanian immigrant, they paid over $10,000.00 for lawyers and government fees in order for her to attain her citizenship. They finally achieved this goal after several years. They are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl and they want her mom to visit and spend a few months with them. The feds are resisting their requests. In the meantime, we have violent lawbreakers roaming our city streets, stealing property, raping and killing Americans, and the feds don’t seem to really care. My wife is a British immigrant, it took her years and thousands of dollars to obtain her citizenship. How do you think it makes these people feel when the feds allow people to just walk across the border, and then start paying them $2,500.00 per month, plus phone and lodging. We have a friend that worked hard her whole life, and she only receives about $1,200.00 per month and lives like a pauper. If you’re not outraged by how the federal government treats American citizens, you should be.

I’m enraged by the hands- off treatment of criminals. I’m enraged by the lack of support for our men and women in law enforcement. Why aren’t more people standing up and saying, hell no, you’re not going to do this? No bail for criminals is criminal in itself, putting average citizens in grave danger. The more you allow these people to walk out of jail after committing a crime, the more crime they are going to commit. Orderly and safe societies depend on strict law enforcement. How did we get here?

Believe me, I could go on for days writing this article, because they are dismantling our country that millions of great men and women lost their lives defending. The glorious American flag that waves in the breeze at my front door is placed there with love and remembrance of those great warriors. It’s placed there to declare to the world that I subscribe to the ideas and ideals laid down in our founding documents. Even at my advanced age, I would defend this great nation in whatever manner possible. If I died in the process, it would be an honor.

God bless all of the true Americans, those that salute our great flag with a lump in their throats and a tear in their eye. That feel the pain and suffering of those great souls that stood fast in the face of impending danger knowing they may not survive. I feel small when I think of those men that stormed the beaches, and nearly froze to death in the great “battle of the bulge”. Freedom is more than just a word, the price to preserve true freedom is never paid in full.

God bless America, God bless Americans. Stay safe, stay free.



FEBRUARY 19, 2024

VOLUME 22, 2024



I’m not going to go back through the mountains of blogs that I have written over the past couple of years, but in that stack of cyber rage, I have told you again and again that Covid 19 was created by the government, to be released for the express purpose, to completely upset the balance of power in the world, and especially within the United States. It worked beautifully, as planned. The perfect subject matter of a writer like Tom Clancy or Ian Flemming.

The cast of villains is headed up by a very small unassuming individual that you would never guess was total evil, Anthony Fauci. To do something this massive and this complicated there are a lot of moving parts, and a lot of players. So eventually things start to unravel. But the government has a way of dealing with that, they seal the records forever, as in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Well, they are up to that old trick again as you will see in the video I am providing for you from my favorite Mad Dog Englishman.

I am especially interested in this, because my younger brother died from Covid 19. He died in the Intensive Care unit of Columbia University hospital. The reason he died was simple, they would not administer any therapeutic medicine, instead put him on a ventilator, and he died three days later. A healthy individual, normal weight, and no comorbidities. They would not let his family be by his side, locked them out. He would have died alone had it not been for my rebellious nephew who broke in and took his Mom with him. My story is not an isolated one, thousands of loved ones died alone because of these heartless monsters.

Nobody will ever convince me, that the release of this terrible disease was not intentional. Hope you enjoyed the video, I will not let this rest, so you can expect me to re-visit this terrible event again when more news becomes available.

Stay safe, stay vigilant, stay free. God bless all of you and our glorious nation.



FEBRUARY 18, 2024



This is an intellectual experience as well and an informative one. It is a bit long, but worth every minute. It will make you take a serious look at the current state of the United States and its uncertain future. It’s a little unsettling to put it mildly. After watching this video, I don’t really have much to add, except these are very serious and dangerous times. Never forget how we got here, the Democrats and lazy, greedy Republicans.



FEBRUARY 18, 2024




Please click on the link below to view the video.

There are really smart people of all colors, male and female, that could qualify as excellent commercial aircraft pilots. That’s not the point. However, what is happening, is that these people are dumbing down the standards for pilots in the name of DEI. This is going to compromise the public safety both in the air and on the ground. If their goal is to employ more people of color, create an incentive for them to apply, and look for qualified individuals utilizing the current standards.

If I were a person of color, I would absolutely be pissed, that the government thinks the only way a person of color can achieve such a position is by dumbing down the requirements. I don’t know about you, but this sounds like systemic racism to me.

I stopped flying on commercial aircraft years ago because of other issues, but this only solidifies my feelings. There are some really scary stories that are starting to surface about the new pilots of diversity. I’m relying on surface travel for the short balance of my life. Even that’s dangerous enough.

I think you would have to be comatose or on the level of Joe Biden to not have noticed how the government is interfering in virtually every aspect of our lives. This is relatively new, this seems to have started to escalate in the very early 2000’s. How crazy is it getting that the IRS is now looking at any of your banking activities that exceed $600.00 in one transaction. How the hell did they come up with that number? That could easily be your grocery bill with today’s inflation.

One of my pet peeves is that when someone gets in my car, and without my permissions starts messing around with the climate controls by just pushing buttons, having no idea what they are doing. I’m not shy, I ask them what they need, and I take over, as I don’t want the automatic settings disturbed.

We have the Constitution and Bill of Rights, that is our automatic settings, and it’s our damn country. Those two documents verify that, it’s our title of ownership. If these elected morons want to change the settings, they have to ask us first.

In Washington D.C. , Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, there are 282,666 federal employees. Annuitants plus employees 589,426. In D.C. alone, 192,127. Every single one of these idiots are constantly pushing buttons and turning knobs to screw with you and make your lives just a little more troublesome. To put this in perspective, we have a totally unmitigated invasion at our northern and southern borders and Joe Biden announces he wants to ban flavored tobacco products. That shit is so far down the scale of important topics you can’t even find it.

That pretty much covers my bitching and complaining for today, but this is just a small portion of the stuff in my stack of things that drive me nuts. I’ll be back very soon. By the way, I have always alluded to the fact that I am a Tucker Carlson follower. I think he stepped into the void left by Rush and filled it very nicely. I finally got around to paying my membership to join his new venture, Tucker Carlson network. The first show I saw was worth every dollar. He interviewed a guy by the name of Mike Benz, and I was blown away by what this guy had to say. I would highly recommend that you subscribe just to listen to Mr. Benz. It will make it possible for you to understand what you have been witnessing but couldn’t quite get a handle on what was going on. He brings the picture into focus.

God bless you all, stay safe, stay alert, stay free.